4. After 5 questions, it moves on to the next level.

5. The next level would always have an increasing difficulty to suit older children.

6. However, there is only room for 3 mistakes before "Game Over"
Rating Rubic
1- Bad, 3 - Average, 5 - Very good
Layout and Design ( Amount of graphic elements, Variation in layout, elements that help students understand concepts. ) - 4/5points
Navigation (Clear navigation) - 3/5points
Objectives (Learning objectives are clearly identified) - 4/5points
Different Learning Styles (Provides sensual activities to enhance learning) - 3/5points
Higher Level Learning Skills (Provides activities that increases cognitive skills) 2/5points
Rules (Limitations clearly stated) - 1/5points
Goals (Goals clearly stated) - 3/5points
Feedback (Feedbacks on student's performance) - 3/5points
Interaction (Student with computer interaction clearly identify) - 3/5points
Subject (Subject clearly stated) - 4/5points
Effective 30/50points
Effectiveness for learning
This online game would put some spice into the dry topic of mathematics, it would be able to teach addition with a different approach, the child would also feel accomplish as they accomplish the task of the robot along with the compliments after each question. Caregivers could use this online game to aid with the basic topic of mathematics. Inclusion of this activity could come in when the child is able to identify numbers and the meaning of addition, this activity serves as a practice and reinforcement on this topic. The first level would be appropriate for 4-5 years old and the entire game could be suited for the 5-6 years old.